I live in South Dakota. If you do not know, the winter months here are LONG.

Some years, we get cabin fever, because there is so much snow on the ground and in the forecast. When the snow finally settles, we usually get a cold front and have to deal with days of negative degrees for a high.

Let me tell you, if I did not have children of my own, I would get extremely bored.

My oldest is in middle school, and my second oldest is in the 5th grade. They both choose to play basketball. Jeremy coaches our daughter and her 5th grade team. He does not get paid to do this; he invests his own time and enjoys doing so.

From January to March, we head two separate ways to cheer on our favorite little ballers. If our oldest has a home game, I will invest my own time to run the scoreboard. Honestly, I thought it was going to be a breeze to learn, but there are so many little details (and a lot of paying attention, which I am not the best at) that I was a little overwhelmed, at first.

I have been offering to do scoreboard for five years now and I enjoy it more and more with each passing year.

Whether you volunteer to coach, ref, or keep score, please think about investing some of your time to invest in the youth. It means so much to them and will more than likely leave you feeling good!

Also, did I mention it makes a cold, slow winter go by just a little quicker?!

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